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Ever wonder who discovered angel numbers and why they’re so popular? This article dives into the history of angel numbers and their meanings.
Early philosophers and institutions worked towards observing, studying, and deducing number patterns. They applied them successfully to music, art, health, the sciences, and arguably, predictions. The one person who saw and understood the most was Pythagoras.
The origin of angel numbers

While angel numbers may be attributed to the subconscious, there is no denying that the natural ways of nature are based on numbers. 1 Golden ratios, series like that of Fibonacci, waves, and fractals are proof of this fact. 2
The brilliant polymaths 2.5 millennia ago sensed (and rightly so) that the patterns they observed in the face of mother nature were trivial. 3 They knew that the sciences and techniques they had were not developed well enough. What they could decipher was found to be the innovative science of that time. And the science they could not unravel was believed to be divine.
Of all sciences and patterns these people observed, mathematics - numbers in particular - performed best. Numbers repeat themselves so frequently that they are considered the language of the universe. 4
Pythagoras identified angel numbers and symbols in the sixth century B.C. as a way to communicate with the divine. 5 Ever since people have attempted to decode messages from a higher source to grow spiritually. 6
Now, why are they called angel numbers? Why “angelic symbols”? Who can be a better messenger for God or the world but angels? Since numbers and symbols form the language of the universe, the divine favors that spoke in it were christened Angel Numbers.
The history of angelic signs - Who first sought angel numbers?

“What language do angels speak?” and “Who invented angel numbers?” are the more popular questions on angelic symbols. But discussing who discovered them seems better fitting. The logic we make out will help one satisfy all these questions and wonders.
Pythagoras is considered by some as the father of numbers and, at times, the father of Numerology. 7 8 More ardent advocates of Pythagorean Symbolatry and the angelic dimensions credit Pythagoras to have invented the system of angel numbers, including the core outcomes. Pythagoras is supposed to have believed in the faculty of numbers. He believed that they could be the building blocks of the known world (known and unknown) and that anything has a numerical form. 9 10 Numerical values were also given to the glyphs that worked as “alphabets” for the times and runes bound up with connotations.
The terms “Pythagorean Numerology” and “Angelic Numeric Symbolism” (put simply as “Angel Numbers”) are turns of phrases used interchangingly. What is mainly practiced today as Numerology and angel sign language is, in fact, the ancient Pythagorean Angelic Symbolatry without many changes. Early Pythagorean concepts have been relearnt vehemently but have not been changed much, probably because the practitioners did not find the need. The close-to-global effects of the number “thirteen” are the archetypal paradigm. 11
Powerful, empirical, and practicable were the findings of the mathematician Pythagoras. It led to mysticism; people believed he was a magician or cultist owing to his deep association with symbolics. 12 13 14 Others reckoned that Pythagoras (or the Pythagorean “phantom”) originates from a divine source. 15 Some of the latter counted Pythagoras among the scant “Excellent Men”. 16
Pythagoras’ angel numbers

The sayings of Pythagoras’ angel numbers surpass their definitions and frontiers in popular culture and media. Despite that, Pythagoras specifically examined the digits from 1 to 9, and every source interprets them differently.
Owing to Pythagoras’ use of Greek, the slow descent of the language into the oblivion of keen studiousness, and the limited media of the time, little could be said about the academic quality. Repeated translations between Greek, Latin, English, and the likes, along the ages, may have introduced inscrutable and obscure interpretations by the knowledge, orientations, culture, and other limits of the translators.
What angel numbers did Pythagoras discover?
Pythagoras made unquestionable contributions to Mathematics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Numerology, and Mysticism. It is assumed that Pythagorean Numerology meanings could be open to more than one interpretation.
To sample Pythagoras’ thought process, here are a few Angel Numbers with its explanation:
- Pythagoras had extensive systems to allot numerical values to names, objects, concepts, and other abstractions. Once the number is obtained, the digits are added to get a value. Suppose this value contains more than one digit. In that case, the process is done again until the number reduces to a single-digit number between 1 and 9.
- 0 and 9 were of little or equal value. When either of the digits appeared in a number, it did not change the final result. The numbers 1, 10, 19, 100, 1000, 1900, 1009, etc., would have the same value if the process stated first is performed on it.
- The number 1 is a perfect place to start as it is the very beginning. If you ask Pythagoras, 0 was not a real number as it had no value. 1 denotes beginning, newness, originality, opening to prospects, union, and monotheism. 17 Pythagoras is said to have thought of 1 as “not a number, but the source of numbers”, owing to its multiplicity. 18
- When 1 is ‘oneness’, 2 is ‘otherness’ or duality. It is also sometimes referred to as “the positive”.
- All even numbers are also considered “female”; 2 being the first, is regarded as the source of feminity (not just of human existence, but the female half of the dual-natured universe). 19
- 3 represents communication, masculinity, and oddness. 20 It represents the trinity or the growth out of the confines of duality. It is also the beginning of shapes furthering from orbicular.
- 4 stood strong for security, justice, and balance. 21
- 5 is where the female (2) and male (3) come together and literally add up to some meaning. We have five fingers functioning together as one unit to do anything.
- 6 offers balance and harmony since 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6. It is the perfection that results from the combination of oneness and the two prime dualities. 22
- 7 represents spirituality in Pythagoreanism. 23 For reasons beyond the scope of this discussion, 7 is most popularly considered the magical number.
- 8 is supposed to be the favorite number of Pythagoras. 24 Whether the reason is personal to him or from observation is unknown. It represented victory and wealth.
- 9 ended but also began the cycle for Pythagorean numerology. 25
- 10 began the next cycle with unity. It is also considered a “perfect number since 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. 19
- It may also be noted that 1 corresponded to a point, 2 to a line, 3 to a triangle, and 4 to a rectangle. So, 10 also contains all the possible spaces.
These sayings are not to be mistaken with the Pythagorean Symbols or Maxims, which form a set of rules for life. 26 27 Early Pythagoreans used such fundamentals to tackle philosophical riddles, enigmatic situations, and even ethical problems. 28 Intangible, non-physical, and metaphysical concepts too were dealt with using the fundamentals.
Popular angel numbers of Pythagoras in culture and media
It is believed that the earliest cult known to be built on the virtue of any numerical rules was Pythagorean Numerology or early Pythagorean Angelic Symbolatry. 19 Be it a cult or some popular beliefs - if someone is not devotedly atheistic and has come across some numerological concepts or experienced some numbers speaking to them - angel numbers are believable to the rationally evolved human mind.
People use them to receive messages from their guardian angels and make confident decisions. 29 Disciplines that used from numerology and angel numbers apply them in different fields including healing practices and some sects of medicine. 30 31 Fiction content creators use numerical codes to hide thrilling easter eggs in plain sight and between lines. 32 To cryptographers, numerology is like the alphabet to the language - only more universal. 33
The following numbers and number patterns are globally the most popular today:
- 11 and other reappearance and combinations of 1 or 11
- 222 and other cases where 2 repeats
- 1212 and other cases and combinations of 1 and 2
- 333, 444, 555, etc. in the same manner
- 666 is controversial and superstitious in some cultures 34 35
- The chiming in of the number 7 may be the most popular due to its reputation with fiction readers and writers of popular culture fiction involving magical fantasy. 36
- 999 is out there too, but much of the divine element is taken away by the fact that marketers price products with repeated ‘9’s.
- 911 is gaining some reputation after the unspeakable 9/11 attacks and using the number for emergencies.
- Any power of 10 (100, 1000, 10000, etc.) make it to the list as they represent some amount of completion, a milestone, perfection, divisibility, multiplicity, etc.
Pythagorean numerology meanings and explanations
Questions to be asked:
- What did Pythagoras think numbers tell us about reality?
- Why did Pythagoras believe everything could be expressed as numbers?
- How does one explain Angel Numbers?
- Why did Pythagoras find hidden meanings of words and names from the numerical values given to letters of the alphabet?
- And how?
The dots to connect in answering how and why Pythagoras found meaning in numbers are obtained from the very areas of knowledge, thought, and philosophy. We will connect a lot of these dots in the following main discussion.
Pythagoras started with numbers and keen observation of nature around him - the only two limbs you need to create or master any science. Once he started representing numbers in the simplest possible way he could - as dots - his wit witnessed that they can be arranged to form patterns. (It could also be how Pythagoras arrived at certain many of his symbols and glyphs.)
Any number over two, he represented as triangular numbers, square numbers, pentagonal numbers, hexagonal numbers, and so on. Geometry being the bridge between numbers and shapes - and hence between mathematics and nature itself - began blushing to full bloom under him. The shapes and the philosophies he saw in geometry and numbers resulted in glyphs.
Sounds too were mathematical in nature and vibrational. You see, any movement has some vibration devoted to it, whether you could see or hear them or not. Modern and ancient sciences agree on this. 37 The matter is wave and vice versa, while movement too has vibrations. 38 So, are they all - matter, waves/vibrations, movement, sound, and hence existence - not the same? 39 40
As a consequence, we have sounds and symbols. Also, a mathematical arrangement of sound with obedience to ratios, proportions, and fractions forms music. It is the language of early expression of emotions, religion, and more. (We may consider angelic music and clairvoyance too here.)
Now, we have language as a set of sounds and symbols we give meaning to (and any intelligence could). We have now arrived at language from mathematics!
Since we know no less than a fraction of the universe around us and the ancients may have known lesser, we all think of them rightly as the ‘supreme’ unknown. 41 Pythagoras did too. Science today also agrees with the relation between numbers and the human mind - what the ancients called the spirit. 42 43
Pythagoras too found that numbers had specific vibrational values to them, a lot like musical notes. 44 The system he developed out of it is known as Pythagorean Angelic Symbolatry or the Pythagoras Angel Numbers. 45 46 47
In conclusion
The minds of the past were wondrous because they were devoted to wondering, figuring, and finding meaning.
Even for an atheist or logicist and people who do not want to observe the cycle of nature - those who want to live life as it is, even if it is only the daily grind, numbers are significant. They need numbers, geometry, and harmony not for doing taxes but to see that they could use a table only if it has two or more legs.
Only when five fingers with one oriented to provide ‘an equal and opposite reaction to the other four, could a person pick something up.
Everyone wants equal days and nights - only one of the essential cycles. Anyone who finds the decimal system easier to do calculations with, is using the ancient wisdom someone of yore drew out by seeing that people had ten digits each that could be used to count sheep. The analyst who sees shapes in the stock charts uses numerology too. Maybe the philosophers saw more when life was quieter and unhurried in ancient times, and there is no denying a lot of their knowledge.
The universe is mathematical. The numbers are the basic elements of the universe. One connects to it to understand the whole and the mathematical structure that forms its base. So, everything is a number.
To date, people use the god winks we call Angel Numbers to decipher the messages they receive from the universe. Keener onlookers with a religious mien may find the peacefulness in themselves to do so. They read these messages from their guardian angels, and they may be put through such means by the divine domain.
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